Bruker S1 Titan 500 Handheld XRF Analyzer Alloys MFG 09/2018

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  S1 Titan 500
Product Condition:

This is an excellent condition Bruker S1 Titan 500 Handheld XRF Analyzer Alloys MFG 09/2018. This is tested and wokring, it even appears to test Gold Au. Calibrated for Alloy. 

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Product Overview

Bruker S1 Titan 500 Handheld XRF Analyzer Alloys MFG 09/2018

This is an excellent condition Bruker S1 Titan 500 Handheld XRF Analyzer Alloys MFG 09/2018. This is tested and wokring, it even appears to test Gold Au. Calibrated for Alloy. 


  • Bruker S1 Titan 500 Handheld XRF Spectrometer
  • Hard Carrying Case
  • 1 Charger
  • 2 Batteries
  • Adapter for Charger
  • 1 Calibration Sample AI 6061

The S1 TITAN is lightweight (1.5 kg, including battery) and rugged handheld XRF analyzer. Fast analysis speed and exceptional accuracy are two key attributes that help define the S1 TITAN.

Other Innovative Features Include:

50 kV X-ray tube
Latest graphene window detector technology
TITAN detector shield - guaranteed detector protection
SMART Grade timing for fast alloy grade ID
Wi-Fi and USB connectivity
An extremely tough housing that is sealed against humid and dusty environments

S1 TITAN benefits at a glance:

A wide range of calibration options are available: alloy, gold and precious metals, catalytic converters, soil, mining, restricted materials, metal coatings and customer specific
Latest graphene window SDD detector technology
Superior count rates and resolution
Faster than previous generations
Lower detection limits

S1 TITAN Specifications

Model 800
Model 500S
Model 500
Detector Graphene window SDD; 20mm2 active area; Typical resolution <145eV @450,000cps
TITAN Detector Shield (TM) Included on all models
Size / Weight 25 cm x 28 cm x 9 cm / 1.5 kg (with battery)
Integrated camera Optional on all models
Elemental Range Mg - U Mg - U Ti - U
Collimator options

8mm standard.

5mm or 3mm optional.

8mm 8mm


Weight 20 lbs
Brand Olympus
MPN EV5096
Model S1 Titan 500
Product Condition Refurbished

What's in the box?

  • Bruker S1 Titan 500 Handheld XRF Analyzer
  • Hard Carrying Case
  • 1 Charger
  • 2 Batteries
  • Adapter for Charger
  • 1 Calibration Sample AI 6061
